Media Ministry

Are you a creative person that is seeking to use those abilities and passions as a way to worship God?  We have a number of ways that you can get involved.  On any given Sunday, it takes a team of about six to ten people to participate in a worship gathering where technology adds beauty to our corporate worship.  Whether or not you have any experience in running the various forms of media we use, you can still be a part of this growing and exciting ministry.  If you would be interested in becoming a sound technician, audio recording tech, video tech, camera tech, serve on our video production team, run the presentation software, or help with set-up and tear down of equipment, we would love to have you join our ministry.  We can even provide professional training  when needed.  Please contact Ed McGinn with any questions or to let him know that you want to be a part of this ministry.


Call the Church Office at (724) 327-6552 or email: